Trinity Baptist Church is OUT of the New IFB!

We first reported on Trinity Baptist Church because their pastor, Robert MacGregor, was the sole voice against the Pre-wrath rapture in the whole movement. Now that Trinity Baptist Church has been ejected from the New IFB, it looks like his voice is silenced.

Due to the Impeccability Controversy and recent church split at Trinity Baptist Church in Toronto, Canada, and now that the New IFB is almost unanimously preaching against Bill MacGregor (1 2 3), it seems that there’s no coming back.

And now, Trinity Baptist Church has been purged from the New IFB directory at Below is the entry that was formerly listed, but now deleted. With its disappearance, there are no New IFB churches in Canada for the moment.

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Post Author: Joshua

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Bill MacGregor
Bill MacGregor
6 years ago

This is actually quite balanced and fair reporting in my opinion. I anticipate a great future to this project.

Natasha Watson
Natasha Watson
4 years ago

It’s a matter of time before this movement came crashing down. It has nothing to do with servicing the Lord it’s about building a Steven Anderson kingdom. It’s full of pride and foolish doctrine. Anyone who actually studies their bible and is letting the Lord instead of an angry man lead them can clearly see this. Pride goes before the fall and I can see that is clearly happening. To anyone reading this that follows That Andereson, I hear people say all the time they have a hard time even believing Anderson is truly born again. You guys are NOT… Read more »