Matthew Stucky preaches that unsaved people cannot lead someone to Christ

At Verity Baptist Church, Matthew Stucky preached the video shown below, which was titled on Verity’s channel “Unbelievers Can’t win Souls to the Lord (Garrett Kirchway, Judas, False Prophets)”

In the video, he mentions this video, which shows how Garrett Kirchway went and led a woman in a repeat-after-me prayer, and later on others from Faithful Word Baptist Church went to visit her and discovered that she wasn’t actually saved. Less than this really being an indication of shoddy work on Garrett Kirchway’s part, it really shows that the New IFB soulwinning being done by all parties is typically not more than a “how many notches can I get in my belt” numbers game, and produces very little real fruit and a whole lot of false professions.

Stucky then preaches that nobody who is unsaved can lead people to Christ. This means that anyone in Faithful Word Baptist Church or sister churches who thought they were saved, but were led to Christ by Kirchway or others now removed needs to find a real believer quickly and get saved for real this time.

In other words, you not only need to make sure that you actually follow the proper steps to get saved, but also verify the pedigree of the person helping you. Are they saved? Was the person who led them to Christ saved? Because if not, neither are they, and as a rsult you won’t be either.

Needless to say, this isn’t taken too well by the youtube commenters, some of which you can see below.

Also, Steven Anderson will need to revise the false numbers that he said were saved through Faithful Word Baptist Church, because from the comment below, it is an easy estimate that there are probably thousands that were by Kirchway, Domonique Davis, etc.

Stucky is not alone in this teaching. For example, in the above-mentioned video posted by the New IFB channel about Garrett Kirchway’s false convert, the description teaches this same theology:

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Post Author: Joshua

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