Jack Hyles Was Not Part of the New IFB (Part 3) – Reprobate Doctrine

New IFB’rs love to put Jack Hyles in their camp, but they would no doubt decry him as a heretic if he was still alive to defend himself. In previous parts of this series, we’ve shown that Hyles is in opposition to their views on The Rapture and on Dispensationalism, but he also disagrees with them on whether sodomites can be saved.

The following quotes are from Hyles’ book “from vapor to floods.”

Unlike Anderson, Hyles preached forgiveness to the Homosexual, that they too can be saved and find forgiveness.


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Post Author: Joshua

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6 years ago

Hmm I distinctly remember hearing pastor Anderson say that he would absolutely try to help a homo if he came to him HONESTLY asking for help and claiming that he did not want to be a homo however he has yet to have anyone come to him like that. And of course as a father and Pastor he needs to protect his children and flock so he’s not going to just let every homo in his church before making sure they are honestly seeking the lord. He’s going to be careful. Personally I have a homosexual mother, and I’ve watched… Read more »

Barry LeJeune
Barry LeJeune
4 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Perhaps we should all get Back to the Bible! Right? What does God and his Son have to say about it? Instead of all the NAME-CALLING…Let’s be grown men and women about it! The Apostle Paul said…when I was a child, I spake as a Child! But when I became a man, I put away childish things! I think I quoted that right! I stick with the KJV and make no apologies, as far as that goes. That’s what’s wrong with a lot of our church’s Too much gossiping and finger pointing and everything else that comes along with it!… Read more »

Barry LeJeune
Barry LeJeune
4 years ago
Reply to  Victoria

Woe! Hold on a minute there! From where I’m looking…sounds like your STEREO-TYPING, and pretty much saying that no HOMOSEXUALS can be saved in the Church and all should be Excluded, am I right Hmmm! That’s like saying nobody can be saved if they are a SINNER period, right? I think it Depends on each individual! Everybody is not on the same Spiritual Level in the Christian Life! Some may have just been SAVED, and still feeding on the milk of the Word! Some have been SAVED for sometime…and are on the meat of the word, so to speak! Who… Read more »

Barry LeJeune
Barry LeJeune
4 years ago

Fact is…God is the one who initially who does the Saving! But yet, at the same time, what do you do when a Preacher teaches that when a Christian commits SUICIDE he or she can still go to Heaven! Does that mean then, that we all as Christians, can committ SUICIDE And just jump on the Bandwagon…so we all can get to Heaven a whole lot quicker, and also avoid the Trials & Tribulations in Life as Believers normally go through?