Alberto Hernandez says that Sodomites cannot be saved

Alberto Hernandez posted a video in January of 2017 where he teaches that anyone who practices Sodomy is a reprobate and cannot be saved. Transcript and video is below:

How many times have I heard it said “you still have a chance until you breathe your last breath?” How many times have I heard “God loves everyone?” How many times have I heard it said that everybody has a chance to get saved until they die? Well, let me tell you something right now. That’s just simply not true. Another thing. How many times have I heard that the doctrine of the reprobates turns people away from the gospel of Jesus Christ, or have anything to do with God, or have anything to do with religion? Well, I lost count. The thing is, this doesn’t turn everybody away. ‘Cause I’ll tell you something right now: This is the doctrine that got me out soul winning. Now the Bible says that the word of God you know, it’s is a stumblingblock to them which believe not and to those that are disobedient to the word of God. The Word of God is a stumblingblock towards unbelievers when they choose to disobey and when they choose to not believe the word of God. The Bible says “choose life” so, what’s your choice? Are you gonna choose to follow the word, or are you gonna choose to follow the world? Well, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

I’m gonna say something right now. The sodomite agenda is really cramming their filth down our throat every single day. And there are a lot of people out there who disagree with me on this that the doctrine of the reprobates means that they are not savable any more. Well, the Bible says, you know, they’re ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. The Bible says, Jesus Christ said “I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father but by me. Reprobates, they can know all the Bible all they want, they can learn all they want, The Bible says they are ever learning, but it also says they’re never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. If you read that and cannot understand that, you just have these pre-conceived ideas, you’re not opening to the word of God, that these people cannot be saved.

The sodomite agenda, I’m telling you: They are howling like wolves out there, and us as Christians, we gotta fight this. Because children are the most vulnerable and sodomites are all a bunch of pedophiles. All of them. They are all pedophiles. Don’t bring them into your church. Willshire Baptist Church here, in Dallas Texas, the voted to allow the LGBTQ community over to their church. We got that born that way ministries creeping into churches just to make everybody think that all eunuchs are born that way and they’re all homos, ridiculous doctrine. Bob Gray is backslidden, Jeff Owens is backslidden, S.M. Davis is backslidden. They are not right with God for embracing that garbage. They are not right with God. They may be my brethren in Christ, but they need to step down and let – we need to pray for a new generation of Independent Fundamental Baptists to stand up and fight against this agenda, because it’s getting really ugly out there.

As for you, Johnny Nixon, you are a false prophet. You are not born that way, but you will burn that way.

Hernandez is right that the scripture talks about people who are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, but it takes the verse wildly out of context since it has nothing to do with sodomites.

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