Great Harvest Baptist Church is off the Rails!

It’s become apparent that not only is Great Harvest Baptist Church out of the New IFB, (which began because of flat-eartherism), but they have totally left any semblance of the Gospel. Justin Leblanc and Tyler Doka have doubled down on a sermon series preached by LeBlanc, which is simply tearing apart the doctrines of Christianity. It’s pretty clear that these guys should drop the name Baptist altogether. Below you can see some of the titles, and they aren’t clickbait, these are really what is being preached.

Also below, find the video where Doka re-enforces that he believes all of this stuff just as much as LeBlanc does:

Rightly, these sermons are being denounced by the New IFB, such as by Bruce Mejia and Logan Robertson

Edit: Tyler Doka has disabled comments on all of the videos in the series, due to the poor reception.

Edit 9/4/18 Leblanc’s Latest Sermon is “Not Every Christian Escapes the Lake of Fire“, which again is the strongest heresy. He’s now also been called out by Ben the Baptist, an the Stedfast Baptist Church Channel,

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Post Author: Joshua

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Suzanne Perreault
Suzanne Perreault
5 years ago

Hello Pastor Doka. I pray you are well. My question is regarding the Sabbath of the Lord. How can you profess to be a King James Bible believer and still worship on Sunday? I have been reading the King James and have not found any information regarding the change from Saturday to Sunday? That change has come from the mouth of the beast himself, the Roman Catholic church. Jesus kept the Sabbath, His Apostles kept it and protestants kept it for a while, even some Baptists did too. I really need to know where it is said that we must… Read more »