Bro. Colin Preaches that No Christian should Join the Military

Find the video of Colin’s message below. Colin says:

“If you join the armed forces of the military, right now as the way it is, you are not right with God.”

“The point of the military is to brainwash you.”

“The physical military will do exactly that: It is the tip of the spear of the devil trying to conform you to the idealogy of this world.”

“You can’t serve in the military right now and be right with God.”

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Post Author: Joshua

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Igor Izhchenkov
Igor Izhchenkov
5 years ago

They are CORRECT.

This is what was said:
“If you join the armed forces of the military, right now as the way it is, you are not right with God.”

How is it currently? Filled with Sodomites, their enablers and their glorifiers.
If you think that the Christ of the Bible would approve of such filth you’re a fool and you don’t know Him.
Being a member of the Armed Forces is NOT a sin at all UNLESS said Armed Force is Satanic and promotes abominable sickness and perversions.