Flat Earther Tyler Doka changing church channel into conspiracy “Healthsperity” channel

Edit June 15, 2019: It appears that Doka may have now deleted the channel, as the youtube link now says the channel does not exist.

Tyler Doka, a flat earther, recently deleted almost all of the videos from his church’s youtube channel as he seeks to run from his past with a new church name.

But when you have a YouTube channel with over 7,000 subscribers, you don’t want to just do away with it. It appears Doka is now rebranding the channel to be a platform for his “Heathsperity” conspiracy-based nutrition scheme. The channel’s header, which was an image of Doka and LeBlanc only yesterday, now is the below image:

The channel’s thumbnail icon has also been changed to the below icon.

Here is what Tyler says about himself and Healthsperity on the website:

Hello, my name is Tyler. I am a Long Island native, and the pastor of a Christian church. Basically I created this blog and YouTube Channel (Healthsperity) to inform people on clean eating in a very simple understandable way. Healthsperity is a combination of health+prosperity, originating from; 3 John 2 – “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

I hope this blog inspires you to eat as clean as you can while also serving the Lord. The most important thing is spiritual growth, but when you have that taken care of you must also take care of your body!

So what kind of content does healthsperity promote? Well, as of today, there’s only one post, and it’s more anti-water fluoridation nonsense, and titled Fluoride toxicity. Here’s a sample:

“Unlike all other water treatment processes, fluoridation does not treat the water itself, but the person consuming it. The Food & Drug Administration accepts that fluoride is a drug, not a nutrient, when used to prevent disease. By definition, therefore, fluoridating water is a form of mass medication.” – Flouride Action Network (https://fluoridealert.org)

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is simply a compound (two or more elements) of fluorine and another element.

Typically for water fluoridation, fluorine (F) is added to sodium (Na) to form sodium fluoride (NaF). In some cases, fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), or sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) are used, but from here on out let’s just call it fluoride.

How Does Flouride Get Into Our System?

Fluoride is found naturally within many rocks and binds to calcium (Ca) to form calcium fluoride (CaF).

This can be found in drinking water naturally anywhere from 0-0.2 ppm (part per million, or 1 milligram per liter).

However, in drinking water, the government has regulated that number to be anywhere from 0.7-1.2 ppm, or 1,200% greater than natural levels.

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