Ben Naim: Sodomites should be executed

Update 7/4/2020
Ben Naim responded to this article with his position. This article, based on the video below, originally was titled “Ben Naim: Same-sex attracted people who haven’t sexually sinned should be executed” Ben has clarified that he doesn’t believe this. Please read Ben’s comments below. The old text of the article is below in italics.

In an interview with an Atheist, Ben “the Baptist” Naim (Who also goes by Ben Knight) Ben seemed to be caught off-guard, not really knowing who he was calling for the execution of. The definition he finally settled on is that anyone attracted to the opposite sex, whether practicing or not, is a Sodomite, and should be executed.

There are some people who have struggled with the sin of same-sex attraction, and in godly churches are able to conquer this sin. Ben wants them to be executed.

Watch the clip below:

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Post Author: Joshua

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4 years ago

For the record, I did not actually say this. If you could please remove this picture, I would appreciate it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Sodomites are pedophiles and I believe pedophiles should be executed. This article is a misrepresentation- as it makes it appear as if I think someone confused/struggling deserves the death penalty. Lev. 20 covers behavior, not thoughts. I’ve never affirmed the position you typed in the photo and I think you misunderstood. It’s possible to be confused and celibate but not a sodomite. If you could delete the photo, at least, I’d really appreciate it. This appears all over Google and it’s not what I believe. Thanks!