Gleb Glebov of Blessed Hope Baptist Church Threatens Legal Action against

I received this laughable email from Gleb Glebov today. To think that he can stand behind a pulpit one day, and say things like this the next!

From: Gleb Glebov <b*************>
Subject: Notice Before Legal Action

Message Body:
I’ve been patient with you and asked you kindly to remove my private information and sermons from your website and YouTube channel. You have stolen my recorded sermons, photographs, and private information and then uploaded this data to your channel and website without my permission, so you’re a thief. Perhaps you should learn the difference between Standard YouTube Licence and Creative Commons before prating against me with malicious words and accusing me of immorality. You don’t know me or anything about my beliefs, yet you slander me and spread lies with gossip on your website. Please remove all the content associated with me from your website or I will sue you for libel. All articles that include my name, my photographs, the name of my church, locations, etc. must be taken down or I will  personally sue you for libel. This will cost you a lot of money, so I once again ask you kindly to remove all the articles about me and my church. Besides, you clearly wanted to damage my reputation, and in Canada it would be impossible for you to defend yourself due to the nature of our libel law. Please note that I have saved copies of your articles about me and can sue you even after you remove them. If I see any mention of me or my church on your website in the future, I will sue you for libel without writing another email.

Of course, nothing we have said about Gleb is even near libelous, nor have we ever violated copyright with anything we have posted. He also seems to have a shaky understanding of both Canadian and American law, at best.

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Post Author: Joshua

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5 years ago

These idiots don’t know the first thing “copyrights”, nor libel law. They do nothing but push idle threats to those who expose their doctrine.

Keep up the good work……