Steven Anderson yokes up with a Calvinist: New IFB splintering as a result

Steven Anderson has been getting quite a bit of flak from his online supporters (and even has lost many supporters) because of his yoking up with Reformed Baptist (Calvinist) pastor Dane Johannsson to make the documentary “Going back to the Greek.” In the documentary, Pastor Anderson goes soulwinning with Johannsson, and Anderson has stated that he is fine with fellowshipping with him.

Johannsson is the pastor of Agros Reformed Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona.

Since Independent Fundamental Baptists and the New IFB have been strongly anti-Calvinist, and typically refuse fellowship with them, this has caused no shortage of consternation.

On July 8, 2019, Anderson posted a video [mirror] that was from a podcast that Pastor Johannsson was a part of, discussing the new documentary. As you can see in the comment selection below, comments were mixed, but many people were upset to see Anderson joining with a Calvinist.

Also on July 8, 2019, Anderson posted the video [mirror] “Why is a Reformed Baptist in my New Film?” Anderson explained in this video that these were a different kind of reformed Baptist he had not before, soul winning, and against repentance for salvation. Comments on this one were decidedly more negative.

That evening, Anderson did damage control by preaching this sermon, “What I hate about Calvinism.” [screenshot]

On July 15, Pastor Michael Johnson, a pastor within the New IFB, preached “Reformed Baptists in Light of the Bible” in his morning and evening services. Johnson never came out in support of Anderson in his linking up with a Calvinist, and Anderson has since accused Johnson of making secret Anti-Anderson videos.

The Documentary (linked here) was posted to Anderson’s YouTube channel on July 17, 2019

On November 6, 2019, Manly Perry posted his video, dropping out of the New IFB, and as soon as he did so, he posted two videos that had been preached months earlier on “Calvinism: Set on Fire of hell”

Anderson has lent credibility to the idea that both Johnson and Perry are out of the New IFB because of the Calvinism connection by his comment below:

Edit: Anderson has formally attacked both Johnson and Perry, and confirmed this.

On December 22, 2019, Anderson posted a video called “Why I believe Pastor Dane Johannsson is Saved” [mirror]

Anderson also released on the same day this video [mirror], which is another person who was involved in the original documentary saying that they believe Dane Johannson is saved.

More recently on December 24, Anderson has posted to his YouTube channel this video [mirror] called “Pastor Dane Johannsson on Salvation, KJV, Fellowship, etc.” which is a repost of a video Johannsson himself made explaining what he believes. Comments on this video are very anti-Johannsson and anti-Calvinist, as you can see by the comment selection below.

Also on December 24, 2019, Bruce Mejia (who made the graphics for the “Going back to the Greek” documentary) posted a clickbait video called “A message to Pastor Dane and Pastor Anderson on Ecumenicism”, which was nothing more than the song “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” (screenshot) which indicates that Mejia is on the side of Anderson in the controversy.

At this point it seems as if two pastors, Johnson and Perry, are out of the New IFB due to this, and there are many others disgruntled. Johannsson is currently still on Anderson’s good side. Where will this all lead?

Edit: Joe Major has also broken fellowship with Anderson because of this

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