Jack Hyles Was Not Part of the New IFB (Part 1) – Pre Tribulation Rapture

The New IFB loves Jack Hyles and seems to think that he would be with their movement. They run the Jack Hyles Home Page, and use it to promote their documentaries. Jack Hyles videos are often posted to New IFB channels. Steven L Anderson attended Hyles-Anderson college briefly. However, the New IFB adamantly calls the Pre-Tribulation Rapture a heresy.

Love him or Hate Him, Jack Hyles was not part of the New IFB, and his teaching would be called heresy by them today. Find audio below of Hyles’ sermon where first off, he tells his congregation to turn “in their Scofield Bibles” (The New IFB hates Scofield), and secondly, preaches a pre-tribulation rapture.

In Hyles’ book “enemies of Soul Winning“, he preaches an imminent rapture, and that the second coming is afterwards, not the same as the repture:

In Hyles book “Let’s Study the Revelation“, he says the following:

The next thing on God’s timetable is the trumpet. The blowing of the trumpet means two things: Get up in the morning (resurrection) Assemble (rapture) – Jack Hyles

In the same book he also preaches true saints will not be in the tribulation:

The rapture will not eve affect a church like this unless she repents. It will be left here during the Great Tribulation that is to come upon the earth after the true saints have gone up to meet Jesus in the air. – Jack Hyles

Below is another pre-tribulation quote from the same book:

Jack Hyles Pre-Tribualtion Rapture

It is apparent from these quotes alone that Jack Hyles would not fit in the New IFB.

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Post Author: Joshua

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5 years ago

Running a sunday school….yeah,that alone is a red flag. (Poster)

The Repenter
The Repenter
5 years ago

They promote Jack because of his strong stance on free gift without works for once saved always saved salvation. And that he is a member/progenitor of the post modern independent fundamental Baptist movement thet we both can appreciate. Steve has specifically mentioned some of the erroneous faults of Hyles Anderson. Just to be clear he is not completely head over heals with the guy.
There is good reason why he did not fully officiate his tenure there.