Gianmarco Gemmiti – Another New IFB Flat Earther

Gianmarco “Marco” Gemmiti was out as a flat earther before Tyler Doka was, but since he’s not a preacher or a regular attendee of a New IFB church, he hasn’t seen as much press. In June 2016, He posted a video on his YouTube channel Found_The_Light titled “Does the Bible teach Geocentricity?” In it, he taught a flat earth, said there is no such thing as gravity, and generally accepted the flat-earth conspiracy wholesale.

When Tyler Doka came out as a Flat-earther, Marco quickly put up this video supporting him and his teaching:

Marco also mirrored Doka’s sermon on his own channel.
New IFB teachings are often conspiratorial, so it’s no wonder that the flat earth should be another one that becomes popular.

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Post Author: Joshua

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