Video: 50+ Clips of Steven Anderson’s Profanity

This video itself cannot be uploaded to YouTube (they block it), and some of the clips are from videos I downloaded months ago and which were purged from the internet – until now.

One disclaimer is that not every point Anderson is making in this video is something I disagree with (though most are) but that Anderson uses profane, corrupt communication to make his points.

Many of these clips are hard to find, so I am including the following transcript for search purposes. Warning:profanity

…Bad words. Those are cuss words, those are inappropriate words. Words like piss, bastard, hell damn, everyone’s like “oooh! Pastor Anderson’s got tourette’s syndrome!”

I mean, what kind of feminist crap is that?

When women are idolizing these stupid faggoty actors

…people, screw that. Arizona only has a population of 6 1/2 million? Screw that, that’s nothin’.

Shut your faggoty mouth and let me say something.

I remember when I was a junior in high school, there was no one I could have pointed to and say that person was a sodomite. But yet, by the time I was a senior in high school just one year later, there was a little faggot in every single class in that high school.

…is wicked as hell! And you don’t let the door hit you on the way out, buddy!

Dude, you’re too gay man, I don’t wanna talk to you.

Some faggot is behind the counter at Trader Joe’s. “I can help you over here!” No thanks, I’ll wait for a straight cashier.

Are you a fag? [well, that’s what people call me online] Then get the hell out of here! [hey, why, why] Get this guy, you can’t be here [why can’t I be here?] You can’t, homosexuals are not allowed, get out, get out, you can’t be here. [oh no, c’mon] Get out, get out, this is our private property, we rent this place, it’s not for fags, get out.

So why would we look at them and say “let’s get even stupider? Let’s get even more faggoty as men?”

Now listen, yeah, but you act like a faggot, ok, so, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

Come on in faggots and lesbians and join the armed services!

Well then go screw up your life, idiot. You don’t want to face the consequences for… you wanna try and split the church? You know how it’s gonna split? It’s gonna split the same way it always splits. You and your couple of cronies are gonna get the hell out of here, and 99% of the people are gonna stay, and this church is still gonna run 300, and I don’t care if you take half the church with you!

[Do you believe that everybody is created in God’s image?] I believe that men were created in the image of God. [not women?] No, the Bible says not women, no. I said all men are created in the image of God according to the Bible

And you know what? I’m not gonna put up with that crap.

What do you say? I’m not gonna… “well gay people. Well those that are gay.” That’s gay to say that. You know, I would say, “you know, you know, the faggots. Queers. Homos.

…the gospel, behind his back, without ever bringing that to me. Do you see the difference, Chris? [I see the difference you’re making] Get out of here, idiot. Pick him up and take him out if he won’t leave. [We need to pray for him. This is not…] Take him out, hey! Get out of here! I didn’t ask you. You’ve never even been here, fool! Get out! [I was invited here!] Get out! Get out! You don’t just walk in here and start telling us how to run the church. We got a bunch of filthy faggots out there protesting us right now, we’re in a battle right now, get out of here! I didn’t ask your advice! Pick him up and get him out of here if he won’t leave.

Well, it’s more than this little twinkie has done. At least I have the balls to say what other pastors are afraid to say.

“I didn’t offend anyone.” Queer little sissy.

And then you produce this total crap from a literary standpoint

I’m not going to stop using these words because Tipper Gore said no. Because these words are biblical words, and look, I’m glad that the Bible uses some strong language sometimes to make some strong points.

“Oh, man I love queers and homos and faggots! They’re wonderful!”

“If there’s a s….” Shut your faggot mouth and let me talk to the guy that I’m talking to, ok.

…pentecostal crap! You suck! as an employee! You have sucked the whole time you worked here! You go around signing your own praises! I have been this close to firing you every month. The only reason I have kept you around is I don’t want to rock the boat, you’re leaving anyway. If I have to work with you the rest of my life, I would have fired you a long time ago. You are lazy! You suck! You’ve never done anything that I told you to do beyond the minimum! Any extra “hey, try to work on this, try to get this done” You’ve done the minimum of everything, you phone it in. At the best of times you’re a C-

And number two, we should use words that are appropriate to the situation. If we’re talking about a really bad sin, we need to use a bad sounding word. And people always get on me for the words that I use about faggots. Ok, now, see the word that I just used? I was clear, it was appropriate. But people get on me about “oooh, using words like queer and faggot.”

Then get the hell out of my church!

Bunch of filthy faggots, OK?

Comes out and says “I’m a faggot”, he calls them up and congratulates them!

“And you have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, sit thou here in a good place, and say unto the poor, stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool.” See, if somebody came in under our definition of gay, someone walked in in gay apparel, we wouldn’t be telling him “hey, sit in a good place.” We’d be like, “hey, you stumbled into the wrong church.” You know. “The United Methodist Church is across the street you little faggot!”

…and they’re constantly blessing Mohammad all the time. Constantly, every time, they cannot say his name without saying “peace be upon him. Peace be…” No, piss be upon him!

…yea, they that tempt God are even delivered. Listen, every once in a while – I’m gonna confess my sins to you – every once in a while I accidentally slip and use the word “gay” to describe these bunch of deviant filthy perverts. These disgusting reprobate sodomite filthy queers. And sometimes I accidentally slip and call them gay, and I literally, when I say “gay” about them, I literally feel as if I uttered a cuss word. I feel like, oh, whoops. I feel ashamed of myself. Oh man, I shouldn’t have said that. But you know what? A lot of you have it backwards! you’re going around and saying “how dare… oh yeah, these gay people, gay…” I always just say “whoa whoa excuse me! I don’t have anything, I don’t have a problem with gay people! It’s just fags that I have a problem with!” I mean I have nothing against gay people. You know. I mean, I think it’s great to be gay! I mean, you know, Pastor Anderson’s going on record! I’m for the gays! I’m for gay people! I love gays! But you know I hate filthy faggots and queers and sodomites and perverts!

Why? Because people have a bad attitude about marriage. And it doesn’t help that these filthy faggots are getting married either.

But you know the sad thing is that people are offended today by words like “queer.” or “filthy”, or “faggot.” You say, “well faggot’s not a Bible word!” Well, remember those words that are in the spirit of what the Bible teaches? [laughs] See how I was setting that up earlier in the sermon?

…crap. And I don’t like using that word lightly, but that’s what it is, it’s a bunch of crap.

If a woman commits a crime now, they’re basically gonna put her in a cage with some bull dyke lesbian or something.

Piss be upon him. Let’s bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word, Lord.

“aaah!” The world doesn’t accept this crap! It’s America that accepts this filth!

They literally, I have, if I had a nickel for every time who told me “When I hear you get up and preach hard against homos or use a word like queer or faggot” They say “I get physically ill”

And you know this crap that the world teaches you, like

…care if some Jewish congressman comes and huffs and puffs and everything, and doesn’t like my preaching, or some filthy faggots are gonna line up and hold up some signs and everything like that. You know what? None of these…

You know what, they’re gonna think you’re a stinking faggot if you have all these weird queers coming into your church. You don’t care about them! “Cuz we just wanna make sure we reach…” They’re reprobate! It’s too late! But “ooh, just so worried about how we’re gonna reach this little fairy.”

I said, “You want to hang around with a bunch of fags all day in Hollywood, so that’s how you justify it, by lying to yourself.”

I love unsaved people, as long as they’re not reprobates.

And say, “hey, by the way, everything we wrote in those books was a bunch of crap!” I mean, is that what they’re gonna say? Are they gonna admit that. And you say “well, don’t call it that.” OK, “dung.”

Go ahead and defend your pro… and you know some of you right now, I bet you, there’s someone in this room that right now is just “I can’t believe you said the word faggot, oh, oh!” You know, get out of here and don’t ever come back! Get out!

“Oh, but how are we gonna reach the homos? We gotta reach the poor little faggot with the gospel!”

…yeah, when they get all the Christians together and decide what Jesus is gonna look like, they make him look like some faggoty dude in a dress because the Caesars were a bunch of faggoty dudes in dresses. Hello! You say “well I don’t like the word faggot.” You’re in the wrong church.

“well what are these, what’s the poor little faggot gonna do if you won’t let him come to church, how’s he ever gonna be saved?”

And people are like “oh, we need to pray for him that he finds Jesus.” I’m gonna pray that he dies and goes to hell! Are you serious?

You know what? They’re not impressed with you being a faggot. Or hangin’ around with a bunch of faggots.

…get a hold of it or whatever. Hey, put this in your pipe and smoke it, every stupid faggot who’s listening to this sermon. “oooh!” It’s live streamed to the world!

…some kid that didn’t get spanked. You know that filthy faggot Rob Bell, I don’t think he ever got spanked as a kid, this Christian.

And a bunch of butch bull dykes in the military. Look,

You’re leaving, you can do whatever the hell you want because you’re leaving in a month and a half you think you can just suck as an employee. You don’t do anything I tell you to do! You do nothing! What the hell did you do for fifty hours last week? You lazy jerk!

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4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  PowderKeg

And redpilled