Jack Hyles Was Not Part of the New IFB (Part 4) – Bible Colleges

If Jack Hyles was alive today, he would preach like he always did and the New IFB would call him out as a heretic. However, they idolize him because he is famous among the churches they want to affect, and because they love to take his words out of context.

One of the New IFB’s teachings is that Bible College is unscriptural and wrong. Steven Anderson has preached against Bible colleges multiple times.

But what would Jack Hyles say? Hyles said below, that there should be Christian Colleges in every state (From his statement on Accreditation):

He says that God called him to Start Hyles-Anderson College (From “Logic Must Prove the King James Bible”)

He advised a girl to go to Bible College (From “Others”)

And when he spoke on “The science of calling a pastor”, he said that a pastor that a church should choose would be one who sends students to Bible college.

Jack Hyles was not “New IFB!”

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Post Author: Joshua

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