Who is Tyler J Doka, Pastor of Pillar of Truth Christian Church in West Hempstead, New York?

Tyler J. Doka said  the following on his old church website about himself (The church has moved and renamed several times):

Brother Tyler is the pastor of Pillar of Truth Christian Church and was born and raised on Long Island, NY. After attending a secular college he received salvation through belief on the Lord Jesus Christ. He then met his wife Maria through a faith based profile on eHarmony, and after a few days of knowing each other, they both deleted their accounts and began dating. Three months later they were engaged, then married, and now have a beautiful baby girl Adaline and another child on the way.

Brother Tyler started Pillar of Truth Christian Church on January 14th, 2018. Following the path laid out in the Bible, he was trained at his local Church, where he labored in the gospel. This is where he preached, taught, song lead, won people to the Lord, and then lastly he was ordained to start a church on Long Island. The Long Island location was the first location of Pillar of Truth Christian Church, however on June 9th 2019 we will be planting another location in Maspeth (Queens), NY. Lord willing we will plant many churches all over New York and other parts of the country, in the Lord’s time.

Brother Tyler currently works full time at his secular job and will continue to do so until the Lord leads him to pastor the church full time. This will never hinder his ability to lead this church or his family in the direction of the Lord, but will be an example to the younger and older men that hard work and labor for the gospel is possible. Brother Tyler is our Long Island location’s pastor, as well as the main preacher for that location, who also spends his free time soul winning, studying the bible, and ministering to the saints.

Here’s who Tyler Doka really is:

  1. He is a flat earther who preached many sermons on why the earth is literally flat.
  2. He believes planets don’t exist (See video here)
  3. He believes not all Christians are saints
  4. He thinks not all Christians will be raptured
  5. He thinks that some Christians will go to the lake of fire
  6. He teaches that Christians shouldn’t wear suits or anything other than casual clothes in church
  7. He teaches a whole bunch of other non-biblical, ridiculous nonsense.

He has re-branded his church, which we documented thoroughly on this website. To read more about his church under its old name, Great Harvest Baptist Church, click here.

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Post Author: Joshua

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Barbara Trainor
Barbara Trainor
5 years ago

This guy is Not A Pastor, He Is My Great Nephew and Because I don’t believe in his preaching, him his wife and his Mother ( my niece) don’t talk to me Wow I thought Preachers where different, PLRASE FIND A DIFFERENT CHURCH, THIS GUY HAS CHANGED THE NAME OF HIS CHURCH ABOUT 4 TIMES IN LESS THEN A YEAR, DOES THIS TELL YOU SOMETHING????

William L Sterling
William L Sterling
5 years ago

Joshua, you state many things in your document above. I also believe many of the truths you have affirmed, but not all. The reason I take exception with a number of them is because they cannot be substantiated with the New Testament as we have received it (KJV.) I do not intend to do a point-by-point dismissal, because this is not the venue for such. I have had to sort through all these things as I have grown in Christ over the years. Time and again, I have watched denominational leaders make claims that simply are not true. Now, I… Read more »

Randy A. Moore
5 years ago

I just want to say I am sorry for those they have eyes I cannot see I feel so sorry for those who have ears I cannot hear I also feel sorry for those you think they have the right stand above others and can condemn and pass judgment over things seem like are too hard understand or believe good Christians and you know who you are you have it in your mind and your hearts can listen to those things that are true and understand there are a lot of wolves in sheep clothing that would love to steer… Read more »