Who is Justin LeBlanc, Evangelist of Pillar of Truth Christian Church in West Hempstead, New York?

Justin LeBlanc says the following on his church website about himself:

Brother Justin and his wife Joy have been faithful members of Pillar of Truth Christian Church since our first Wednesday night service on January 17th, 2018. Justin grew up in Connecticut with his family, where he got saved at age 22. He then met his wife Joy while they were both working for a local Chick-Fil-A, which is when they began to meet and study the bible together. Soon after they were engaged, then married, and had their wonderful son Michael. Justin & Joy were traveling all the way from CT every week to come to PTCC, but when he was ordained into the position of evangelist they moved straight away to Queens.

Now Brother Justin is working full time for the church, and he spends his time soul winning, writing sermons, and laboring in the gospel. We are also pleased to announce that on June 9th, 2019 he will be planting our Maspeth (Queens) church location! Lord willing this location will grow and flourish, to which we will ordain brother Justin to be the pastor of that church location full time.

Here’s who Leblanc really is:

  1. He is a flat earther who has preached sermons on why the earth is literally flat.
  2. He believes planets don’t exist (See his pastor’s video here)
  3. He believes not all Christians are saints
  4. He thinks not all Christians will be raptured
  5. He thinks that some Christians will go to the lake of fire
  6. He teaches that Christians shouldn’t wear suits or anything other than casual clothes in church
  7. He teaches a whole bunch of other non-biblical, ridiculous nonsense.

Tyler Doka, his pastor, has re-branded his church, which we documented thoroughly on this website. To read more about this church under its old name, Great Harvest Baptist Church, click here.

To watch a youtube playlist of Leblanc’s strange teaching, click here.

Update May 2020: Justin LeBlanc is no longer at PTCC. 
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