New IFB Fake Soulwinning #1 – Richard Symes

Quick Prayerism is a doctrine that the New IFB holds to, which negates the importance of true belief. Instead of discipling people or making sure they understand the gospel, instead a quick presentation of the gospel is given, often to a distracted or uninterested listener, and then coercion or peer pressure is used to get them to repeat a prayer to be saved. The result is that the listener does not really believe, or often even understand. Most of those supposedly saved, if asked, would not be able to identify what they just did, or repeat back any meaningful portion of the salvation message they were given.

The New IFB “soulwinner” then can put another notch on their belt and count numbers so that they will seem super-spiritual to the others in the movement, despite the fact that they have not actually helped anyone to receive eternal life.

Richard Symes is an example of someone who claims to win thousands of people to the Lord, with no lasting fruit to show (because little to none of his “converts” are truly saved.)

For example, from June 8 through June 15, 2019, Symes claims to have witnessed to 174 people and had 64 people saved. That’s an amazing 36% conversion rate (if it were true) but really it’s just a 36% coercion rate – Symes got 36% of the people he spoke to to say a prayer and do nothing for their eternal destiny.

Of course, the names will not be given, nor the number baptized, and one will not notice a significant uptick in people attending Symes’ church, because the prayers solicited from these people were simply done to get Symes to go away. And it worked, because Symes won’t be following the Biblical mandate to baptize or teach these people the things the Lord commanded.

(Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.(Mat 28:19-20))

…because that would be too difficult, it would take away time from getting more false confessions in his numbers game, and because the people wouldn’t be interested, since they aren’t true believers.

Below you can watch some videos of the repeat-after-me Symes conversions. He basically tells kids “repeat after me” and then adds “if you believe this”, knowing that everyone is going to repeat anyway. If you watch the full video, you will see that very few if any of the kids in these videos have been paying attention. They don’t know what they are saying and they aren’t getting saved. If anything, they now have a false profession that will prevent them from truly being saved if a real soul winner comes along in the future.

Watch the whole video here on Symes’ channel:

Watch the whole video here on Symes’ channel:

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Post Author: Joshua

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Ken Werner
Ken Werner
4 years ago

You are wrong on this guy. You also mischaracterize his beliefs, his soulwinning, and the way he counts his conversions. In fact, if what you claim was actually true, he would agree with most of what you wrote. He lived with me for months. He went soulwinning almost every day and I wen with him much. He would spend MUCH time with someone IN THE BIBLE showing them. If the person was not interested or not understanding for some reason, Richard would move on. If in a classroom or a large group, he would not count any of the raised… Read more »

Ken Werner
Ken Werner
4 years ago

WOW!! If you are really so bold in your “correctness”, why do you moderate the comments? You are a coward.