Jonathan Shelley Preaches Anti-Vaccine Theology

Shelley’s sermon is not only as loose with facts as the other anti-vaccine preaching in the New IFB movement, but even more so, filled with cringe-inducing lack of awareness, such as the fact that vaccines can’t be made for diseases like heart disease or cancer (or suicide either), and unawareness that the reason that the […]

Warning: Sure Foundation Baptist Church North in Vancouver BC Canada preaches false New IFB teaching

Aaron Thompson and Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver Washington have now announced a new church plant in Vancouver, BC. Canada. The teaching here will be “New IFB” which is a compromising position against historic independent Baptist teaching. Below are clips from the sermon where Thompson announced the new church plant.

Patrick Boyle Counts the Reprobates He’s Kicked Out

The New IFB is obsessed with the Reprobate Doctrine. It’s now a point of pride to be able to kick out those who are not only unsaved, but that they have declared are incapable of believing unto salvation (See: Calvinism) Below, Patrick Boyle is posting on his church attendance board the number of Reprobates kicked […]