Warning: Pure Words Baptist Church in Houston, TX preaches false New IFB teaching

Jonathan Shelley, a member of Faithful Word Baptist Church, is going to start a new church in the Houston, TX area called “Pure Words Bapptist Church.” This church, being started August 5 by a believer in New IFB doctrines, will have some major doctrinal problems from the get-go. If you are considering attending the church, […]

Tyler Doka isn’t a fan of Steven Anderson or the New IFB anymore

Based on some comment responses on recent videos, Doka’s not been a big fan of the anti-Doka preaching from New IFB pulpits after he came out of the flat-earth closet. Here are some of his youtube comment responses on his video “Revelation 5 – Clay to the Seal” And here is a revealing comment on […]

GoFundMe to support Logan Robertson removed from the site

After the news broke that Logan Robertson was being deported, a GoFundMe account to support him was set up, and raised over $10,000. However, GoFundMe shut down the campaign. Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento has now opened its donation page on their church website to accept donations for Robertson’s cause. Verity Vancouver posted this video […]

New IFB responses to Logan Robertson being Deported from Australia

Since the recent news breaking that Logan Robertson will be deported from Australia, many in the New IFB have responded to the situation. Steven Anderson mentioned Robertson in this sermon clip: Tommy McMurtry also discussed the situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH5wmEvJIrM Robertson himself has also posted footage of the Mosque encounter, seen below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8asAorcSDo

Logan Robertson to be deported from Australia

Pastor Logan Robertson, who has for a short time pastored Pillar Baptist Church in Australia, will be deported from the country, according to Australian immigration officials. From The Guardian: An extremist self-styled pastor, who harassed people at two Brisbane mosques, is likely to be deported after being arrested overnight. The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, said Logan Robertson, […]

Warning: Preserved Word Baptist Church in Valaparasio, IN preaches false New IFB teaching

A new church is starting this month in Valaparasio, Indiana, pastored by Eric Ford. The doctrinal statement on their website gives small hints of their false teaching, but not much: We believe that the King James Bible is the divinely inspired and preserved Word of God without error. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith without works.  […]

David Berzins Abandons Unsuccessful New IFB Church Plant and Tries Again

The people of Prescott Valley, AZ were not as open to the false doctrines spread by the New IFB movement as David Berzins had hoped. In a recent video posted by Framing the World, Berzins says that the church plant was not a failure, because there were “over 500 people saved” (although apparently none of […]