New IFB Apostate – Garrett Kirchway Preaches against the Trinity

Garrett Kirchway was a missionary for Faithful Word Baptist Church to Botswana. On FWBC’s website, a now-missing page said the following about him: Brother Garrett Kirchway has been a faithful member of Faithful Word Baptist Church since he was saved and baptized in September 2008. Starting in May 2016, Bro Kirchway is now in the […]

Pastor Roger Jimenez Calls Victor Tey a “snake”, “oneness heretic”, rejects his view of the Trinity

Victor Tey, pastor of the Church in Punchbowl, in defending his views on the trinity, frequently referred to Roger Jimenez and claimed that their views are the same. (see Tey’s videos here.) Last night, Jimenez preached at Faithful Word Baptist Church, and rejected this view, calling Victor Tey a “snake.” Jimenez says “Why the hell […]

Pastor Steven Anderson preaches that Sodomites cannot be saved “Reprobate Doctrine”

One of the doctrines that is a distinctive of the new IFB movement is what they refer to as “the reprobate doctrine.” The doctrine starts out with the statement that there are some people who are so far gone that they will not get saved. Anderson’s error is not here – it is obvious that […]

Adam Fannin preaches that Steven Anderson is “The Mouthpiece of God in America”

UPDATE: In January of 2019, as a result of Jonathan Shelley being installed as pastor over the congregation he had been leading (Steadfast Baptist Jacksonville), without their input, Fannin raised an alarm and was kicked out of the church by Shelley. Fannin has since started a split-off church with many of the former members of […]

Steven Anderson preaches that God can’t save unless the soulwinner is saved

Steven Anderson preaches that not only cannot unsaved people lead people to Christ, which is not taught in the scripture, but Anderson claims is taught there by making many dubious inferences. In the video of his message this past Sunday, he states the following heretical views: “If you are not saved you won’t get anyone […]

Pastor Steven Anderson preaches that you shouldn’t send your kids to Bible College (again)

Anderson misapplies the scripture that teaches how a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife to preach against Bible colleges. See the video below:

Tyler Doka Continues to Preach a Flat Earth

Edit June 2018: Doka is trying to rebrand to escape his flat-earth past. He renamed his church to “Pillar of Truth Christian Church” and deleted all the controversial videos on his channel. As of now, his flat earth sermon can still be found here: Link Since the previous post on this topic, Tyler Doka has continued […]

Matthew Stucky preaches that unsaved people cannot lead someone to Christ

At Verity Baptist Church, Matthew Stucky preached the video shown below, which was titled on Verity’s channel “Unbelievers Can’t win Souls to the Lord (Garrett Kirchway, Judas, False Prophets)” In the video, he mentions this video, which shows how Garrett Kirchway went and led a woman in a repeat-after-me prayer, and later on others […]

Pastor Steven Anderson gives false Soulwinning Stats

On the 12th Anniversary of Faithful Word Baptist Church on December 24, 2017, Pastor Steven Anderson preached a message where he gave the statistics of how many people their church members have claimed to lead to Christ. On May 27, 2018, Garrett Kirchway was kicked out of Faithful Word Baptist Church, as was Domonique Davis. The […]