“Bro David” of SFBC Hawaii preaches D**n it! and Dumb*ss, etc. aren’t bad words

Bro David has taken the new IFB doctrine to its logical end. Any word the Bible uses can be used in any context and it’s not profane or wrong in any way. Using these words as exclamations is perfectly fine. He learned it from the master! Not only that, Bro David throws in some words […]

Victor Tey Comments on Roger Jimenez’s Statement on New IFB “Jerks”

Victor Tey has been staying on top of the goings on in the New IFB although he’s been “thrown out” and criticized left and right. He released a video recently on Jimenez’s recent comments on the New IFB creating “Jerks.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53qMwu3O3Jc