Steven Anderson: Patrick Boyle is “Trash” + New IFB Reactions

Despite Jonathan Shelley’s insistence that this is just “healthy disagreement”, it’s apparent that Pastor Steven Anderson is done with Patrick Boyle. As we reported, Boyle is heading out of the New IFB (On a rail), and below you can see how Anderson is giving him the boot. Boyle posted a video decrying Anderson’s reference to […]

Another New IFB casualty? Pastor Tim Delello

The oft-forgotten Tim Delello, pastor of Friendship Baptist Church in Lakemore, OH, is on the Patrick Boyle train out of the new IFB. Boyle started a recent sermon at Stedfast Baptist Jacksonville with some harsh words for Faithful Word Baptist Church, (see below) and Delello commented positively and shared it on twitter. See below. From […]

Is Joe Major back in the New IFB? …It’s complicated

Pastor Joe major famously separated from Steven Anderson last month. However, other than Anderson’s Calvinist connections, Major likes the New IFB, and so Pastor Jonathan Shelley is having him preach at Stedfast Baptist Church Jacksonville. (image below) It’s going to be interesting to see how things like conferences fall together. Will Anderson and Major preach […]

Whoever was running all of “The New IFB” websites just shut it all down.

Pastor Steven Anderson said a while back that he didn’t know who ran the website It had a fancy logo, had a church directory, and made frequent social media posts. In December, the account stopped posting for several weeks, and just began to catch back up in the last week. But now, they’ve gone […]

Michael Johnson says Steven Anderson is a railer, agrees there’s been “cultish behaviors”

With three pastors recently leaving or being pushed out the New IFB in the last month, including Michael Johnson of Temple Baptist Church, one person who has been mostly silent is Johnson himself. However, through some comments on his YouTube page, we can see what he is really thinking. First, he states in the comment […]

Justin LeBlanc and Tyler Doka still love the New IFB

Tyler Doka was able to get his Great Harvest Baptist Church into the New IFB back in the day, until things fell apart when he came out of the flat earth closet. After being shunned by the New IFB, Doka and his flat-earth lackey Justin Leblanc began to preach increasingly heretical sermons, and rebranded the […]

Steven Anderson yokes up with a Calvinist: New IFB splintering as a result

Steven Anderson has been getting quite a bit of flak from his online supporters (and even has lost many supporters) because of his yoking up with Reformed Baptist (Calvinist) pastor Dane Johannsson to make the documentary “Going back to the Greek.” In the documentary, Pastor Anderson goes soulwinning with Johannsson, and Anderson has stated that […]