Warning: Pillar of Truth Christian Church has a deceptive doctrinal Statement! (West Hempstead, Long Island NY)

Pillar of Truth Christian Church appears to be like any other non-denominational Christian Church. Don’t believe it! Their pastor, Tyler Doka, and Evangelist, Justin LeBlanc, believe several strange things. The Earth is (literally) flat. (Not kidding!) See video here Planets don’t exist (See video here) Not all Christians are saints Not all Christians will be […]

Great Harvest Church rebrands

Great Harvest Church, led by (literal) Flat-earthers and heretics Tyler Doka and Justin LeBlanc, has now rebranded. This church was briefly part of the New IFB, holding several doctrinal distinctives alike with it, such as a pre-tribulation rapture, but received the boot due to flat-eartherism and then went into such strange theology that they decried […]

Justin LeBlanc can save anyone in 5 minutes!

Justin Leblanc, the evangelist from Great Harvest Baptist Church believes some strange stuff. He’s a flat-earther, like his Pastor, He says that not all Christians are saints, and now this. In the first clip below, he preaches that he can save anyone in 5 minutes, because he’s not one of those other Christians who can’t […]

Great Harvest Baptist Church is off the Rails!

It’s become apparent that not only is Great Harvest Baptist Church out of the New IFB, (which began because of flat-eartherism), but they have totally left any semblance of the Gospel. Justin Leblanc and Tyler Doka have doubled down on a sermon series preached by LeBlanc, which is simply tearing apart the doctrines of Christianity. […]

Tyler Doka and Great Harvest Baptist Church are OUT of the New IFB!

Until the last few days, Great Harvest Baptist Church and Tyler Doka were still listed on the New IFB directory at thenewifb.com, despite the fact that Doka was a much-criticized flat-earther and had attacked the New IFB and Steven Anderson. Well those days are over. Now the church has been removed from the directory altogether. […]

Tyler Doka and Gianmarco Gemmitti: Planets Don’t Exist!

Marco of the YouTube channel Found_The_Light, a flat earther since at least 2016, put up a video called “Planets Dont Exist!” in early July. This video is just a (il)logical continuation of flat-earth doctrine, which now has its own mini-following within the New IFB, although all the preachers other than Doka decry it. The video […]

Tyler Doka isn’t a fan of Steven Anderson or the New IFB anymore

Based on some comment responses on recent videos, Doka’s not been a big fan of the anti-Doka preaching from New IFB pulpits after he came out of the flat-earth closet. Here are some of his youtube comment responses on his video “Revelation 5 – Clay to the Seal” And here is a revealing comment on […]

Tyler Doka Continues to Preach a Flat Earth

Edit June 2018: Doka is trying to rebrand to escape his flat-earth past. He renamed his church to “Pillar of Truth Christian Church” and deleted all the controversial videos on his channel. As of now, his flat earth sermon can still be found here: Link Since the previous post on this topic, Tyler Doka has continued […]