Victor Tey Comments on Roger Jimenez’s Statement on New IFB “Jerks”

Victor Tey has been staying on top of the goings on in the New IFB although he’s been “thrown out” and criticized left and right. He released a video recently on Jimenez’s recent comments on the New IFB creating “Jerks.”

Victor Tey continues to claim he’s not that different from Roger Jimenez on the Trinity

Victor Tey released a video a few days ago called “Does Victor Tey Believe Like Roger Jimenez on the Godhead Trinity.” You can watch it below. He brings up the fact that Jimenez called him a snake for his beliefs, especially on Jesus-only baptism. This is just a continuation from the ongoing Trinitarian Controversy, and […]

Pastor Roger Jimenez Calls Victor Tey a “snake”, “oneness heretic”, rejects his view of the Trinity

Victor Tey, pastor of the Church in Punchbowl, in defending his views on the trinity, frequently referred to Roger Jimenez and claimed that their views are the same. (see Tey’s videos here.) Last night, Jimenez preached at Faithful Word Baptist Church, and rejected this view, calling Victor Tey a “snake.” Jimenez says “Why the hell […]

Victor Tey and the Church in Punchbowl – New IFB Controversy

Edit: Since January 6, 2019, “the church in Punchbowl” has now been renamed “The church in Liverpool.” Victor Tey is the pastor of the Church in Punchbowl, New South Wales, Australia. Is he a part of the New IFB? Almost a decade ago, he moved to The US for a year to attend Faithful Word […]