Warning: Verity Baptist Church in Manila, Philippines Preaches False New IFB teaching

Verity Baptist Church Manila is a church de-facto pastored by Matthew Stucky (although he doesn’t accpept the title due to a new-ifb quirk). Stucky is a New IFB preacher who holds to all kinds of false doctrine based on the teaching of the New IFB leader, Steven L Anderson. From the post on this website […]

Matthew Stucky preaches that unsaved people cannot lead someone to Christ

At Verity Baptist Church, Matthew Stucky preached the video shown below, which was titled on Verity’s channel “Unbelievers Can’t win Souls to the Lord (Garrett Kirchway, Judas, False Prophets)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkGpE8shonw In the video, he mentions this video, which shows how Garrett Kirchway went and led a woman in a repeat-after-me prayer, and later on others […]

Pastor Steven Anderson gives false Soulwinning Stats

On the 12th Anniversary of Faithful Word Baptist Church on December 24, 2017, Pastor Steven Anderson preached a message where he gave the statistics of how many people their church members have claimed to lead to Christ. On May 27, 2018, Garrett Kirchway was kicked out of Faithful Word Baptist Church, as was Domonique Davis. The […]