Trinity Baptist Church is OUT of the New IFB!

We first reported on Trinity Baptist Church because their pastor, Robert MacGregor, was the sole voice against the Pre-wrath rapture in the whole movement. Now that Trinity Baptist Church has been ejected from the New IFB, it looks like his voice is silenced. Due to the Impeccability Controversy and recent church split at Trinity Baptist […]

Matt Powell preaches that Pronunciation of “Jesus” is a salvation issue

Matt Powell preached the following message, which pronounces that those who pronounce Jesus other than the “orthodox” English pronunciation are not saved. Powell seems to not realize that just like every other name, the name of Jesus is Anglicized into the English language. In fact, most of the names in the Bible are not pronounced […]

Steven Anderson says that Salvation doesn’t bring a change in action

Steven Anderson claims in the video below that many who are saved will not show any change in actions. No works will follow. He misquotes scripture that talks about people being saved without works and then says that it means someone can be saved and then never change. The interesting thing about this doctrine is […]

Split takes place at Trinity Baptist Church Toronto

Tim Xing and some additional members of Trinity Baptist Church in Toronto, suddenly flipped against Pastor MacGregor and Bill MacGregor, right in the middle of the latest impeccability controversy. Though details are hard to come by, you can find for reference the following videos. These were posted by Bill MacGregor. Originally titled as “Beware of […]

Roger Jimenez and Ben the Baptist Comment on Youtube Deplatforming

As we reported yesterday, Verity Baptist church’s main channel on YouTube was shut down. Roger Jimenez has made a video about this, as has Ben “the Baptist” Knight. A common theme is that both of them encourage people to move to one of the New IFB churches if they use YouTube to watch.

Steven Anderson Preaches against Male Gynecologists

Anderson has preached on this topic since the very beginning. In 2006, he posted an article on his website called “What’s Wrong with Male Gynecologists?” (Click on the title below to read it) Several years later, in April 2009, he preached a sermon called “Physicians of no value” (which also goes by the title “suffering […]