Victor Tey Comments on Roger Jimenez’s Statement on New IFB “Jerks”

Victor Tey has been staying on top of the goings on in the New IFB although he’s been “thrown out” and criticized left and right. He released a video recently on Jimenez’s recent comments on the New IFB creating “Jerks.”

Victor Tey continues to claim he’s not that different from Roger Jimenez on the Trinity

Victor Tey released a video a few days ago called “Does Victor Tey Believe Like Roger Jimenez on the Godhead Trinity.” You can watch it below. He brings up the fact that Jimenez called him a snake for his beliefs, especially on Jesus-only baptism. This is just a continuation from the ongoing Trinitarian Controversy, and […]

Warning: Revival Baptist Church in Orlando, FL. preaches false New IFB teaching

With the new church launching August 31, 2018 , Pastor Patrick Boyle shows off a backdrop on the church property. As you can see below, it contains several of the New IFB doctrines, and very prominently, the phrase “New IFB.” What does “New IFB” mean? It represents the things that make Boyle and his church […]

Steven Anderson advances holocaust-denying conspiracy theories.

Anderson is very prone to believing conspiracy theories about the fluoride in water, vaccines, 9/11 truth, etc., so it is no surprise that with his belief that God has no place for Jews and Israel, that he would also advance holocaust denial. He advances the following conspiracy theories among others: That a plaque that said […]

Steven Anderson uses Jews’ persecutions against them

In June 2017, Steven Anderson posted this sermon clip to his main channel, called “1948 was a fraud.” In this video, Anderson equates Christ’s fig tree parable to being Israel, and as such, Israel has no purpose in his Eschatology. He says that Jews returning to Israel in 1948 was a fraud – “they didn’t […]

David MacClellan preaches that Sodomites are all unable to be saved

David MacClellan has not been officially accepted into the new IFB, nor does he claim the title for himself, but it is apparent that he has been steeped in Andersonism. He commonly will comment on YouTube in support of the New IFB, and he preaches in lockstep with the trending subject of the New IFB […]