Updates on the Trinity Baptist Church Split

Bill MacGregor has posted the following video called “What actually happened The Trinity Baptist Rebellion,” showing the meeting of people who tried to kick out Bill MacGregor and Pastor MacGregor from the church. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwJrp3fLKpQ Here is a video of the same confrontation posted by Tim Xing. Xing’s description was “Robert MacGregor and Bill MacGregor exposed […]

Robert MacGregor Cancelled from Old Paths Baptist Foundations Conference

In the announcement that Robert MacGregor will not be preaching at the Foundations Conference, nothing is mentioned about the impeccability controversy, or that Trinity Baptist Church, which MAcGregor Pastors, being recently kicked out of the New IFB, but of c the new video where it is briefly mentioned that he no longer will be preaching: […]

Trinity Baptist Church is OUT of the New IFB!

We first reported on Trinity Baptist Church because their pastor, Robert MacGregor, was the sole voice against the Pre-wrath rapture in the whole movement. Now that Trinity Baptist Church has been ejected from the New IFB, it looks like his voice is silenced. Due to the Impeccability Controversy and recent church split at Trinity Baptist […]

Split takes place at Trinity Baptist Church Toronto

Tim Xing and some additional members of Trinity Baptist Church in Toronto, suddenly flipped against Pastor MacGregor and Bill MacGregor, right in the middle of the latest impeccability controversy. Though details are hard to come by, you can find for reference the following videos. These were posted by Bill MacGregor. Originally titled as “Beware of […]

Bill MacGregor and Michael Johnson attack each other over the Impeccability of Christ

Bill MacGregor, the son of the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Toronto, Ontario Canada preached a sermon on Sunday, August 5 on the topic of the impeccability of Christ. Could Christ have sinned? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbLymG0f5QI On Wednesday August 8, Michael Johnson preached the sermon “The Knowledge of Christ”, which contained the following section on the […]

At least one New IFB Pastor believes in Pre-Trib rapture “heresy”

Pastor Robert MacGregor of Trinity Baptist Church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada does not preach a Pre-wrath rapture, though his son Bill MacGregor does. The New IFB has been very harsh in its denouncement of the pre-trib rapture and those who preach an imminent return of Christ. In this video, Bill MacGregor says that the pastor […]