Warning: Sure Foundation Baptist Church North in Vancouver BC Canada preaches false New IFB teaching

Aaron Thompson and Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver Washington have now announced a new church plant in Vancouver, BC. Canada. The teaching here will be “New IFB” which is a compromising position against historic independent Baptist teaching.

Below are clips from the sermon where Thompson announced the new church plant.


What is the New IFB?

Steven L Anderson, leader of the New IFB movement

In 2005, Steven L Anderson started Faithful Word Baptist Church, and began teaching a new and strange set of doctrines. With his charismatic personality and boldness in preaching his opinions, as well as an effective social media strategy, he has won many over to himself. He is admittedly attempting to change what it means to be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. Many have caught on, but some are still being convinced by his errors.

In 2018, the churches that follow Anderson branded themselves as the New IFB. Each preacher follows in lockstep with Pastor Anderson, and if they don’t they risk being kicked out. When members leave Faithful Word Baptist Church, Anderson brands them not only as unsaved and going to hell, but also as “reprobate”, which in Anderson’s theology means that they cannot ever get saved. They are bound to go to hell without a chance to change that. Pastors who leave the movement or upset Anderson are blacklisted, all mention of them is purged from the New IFB denomination’s website, and pastors within the movement are encouraged to preach against them and post videos discrediting them and criticizing their preaching. Often the same pastors who once criticized others who left the new IFB find themselves also leaving the New IFB and receiving the same treatment.

So what does the New IFB believe? There are several unique beliefs that Anderson holds to, which, as a result are part of New IFB doctrine.

Note: not every pastor or person mentioned on this website believes all of these doctrines, nor do all of them claim to be part of the New IFB. These are doctrines that are widely preached however.

First, they preach another gospel than Independent Fundamental Baptists do.

  1. The New IFB preaches that Jesus death and resurrection was not enough to save from sin. Instead, Jesus had to go and burn in hell where he paid for our sin there. (So much for “it is finished!”)
  2. The New IFB preaches that for certain people, they are unsaved, regardless of their faith in Jesus Christ. In other words, for these people, salvation is not by grace through faith. See below:
Faithful Independent Baptists Teach: The New IFB teaches:
►The KJV is the preserved word of God in English ►Pastors who use the NIV are not saved
► You cannot get saved out of any Bible except the King James Version
►The Bible is sufficient for a person to learn about salvation and be saved Nobody can get saved by reading the Bible. There must be a soul winner. If that person themselves is not saved (such as a pastor who uses the NIV) none of their converts can truly be saved either
►Women should not be pastors ►Women who are preachers are all not saved
►Anyone who believes on Jesus Christ may be saved ►Homosexuals cannot believe on Christ and be saved. Salvation is not open for them, even if they leave homosexuality. Even if they believe on Christ, they will go to hell
Evolutionary scientists are also reprobate (they cannot be saved no matter what)
►Salvation is by faith alone ►If you leave the New IFB movement, you are not saved
► If you disagree with the New IFB movement, you are not saved

Second, the New IFB preaches many things as scriptural doctrine, which are not in the Bible, nor have been taught by Independent Fundamental Baptists in the past. These include:

  1. Being in the US Military is a Sin
  2. The police should not exist
  3. The 9/11 attacks were a hoax
  4. Christians should not vote
  5. It is sinful to be vaccinated
  6. The holocaust did not happen
  7. Israel should not exist
  8. Jews run everything and ruin everything
  9. We should rejoice in mass shootings or other murders when the victims are people we consider to be reprobates (such as homosexuals)
  10. We should pray for people to go to hell
  11. God laughs at sending people to hell
  12. People who get saved will not change
  13. People need not repent to be saved
  14. Charging interest is always sinful
  15. Having a nursery at a church is wrong
  16. Having Sunday School is wrong
  17. Jesus Christ is literally the King James Bible. The King James Bible is literally God.
  18. Bible College is unscriptural and wrong
  19. Christians are supposed to keep the Old Testament Law
  20. If you use the name “Yeshua” instead of Jesus, you aren’t saved
  21. Men being gynecologists is sinful and wicked
  22. The rapture is not imminent/ Christ cannot come at any time
  23. Any and all forms of birth control are sinful
  24. We should hope God kills people we dislike such as John MacArthur or James White
  25. The Lord’s Supper shouldn’t be held at church

Some of the root differences between the New IFB and Independent Baptists come from the fact that they believe in replacement theology, and so take the Old Testament Laws given to the nation of Israel and apply them to New Testament Believers today. (This is what Calvinist Covenant Theology does as well) As a result of this, any understanding of the Bible that divides the Bible into parts that are “for Christians today” and other parts that are “not for Christians today” are rejected. This leads to them calling for so-called “righteous government” to be established that mirrors the Theocracy of Israel, executing people for the same capital crimes, such as blasphemy, disobedience to parents, and homosexuality. They then reject any prophetic purpose for Jews or Israel, apply Old Testament “clean and unclean” laws on Christians, and end up with a post-tribulation Rapture.

Additionally, Steven Anderson and his followers use lots of crass language, say the Bible teaches that men should urinate standing up, and preach a lot of conspiracies (like chemtrails and water fluoridation conspiracies)

The video below contains 50+ examples of Anderson’s corrupt communication. Click here for the transcript.

For an excellent and short presentation which shows the cultlike and non-Baptist nature of the New IFB and Steven Anderson, watch the video below:

Posted in Anti-Dispensationalism, Anti-Israel, Anti-Repentance, Conspiracy Theories, Holocaust Denial, New IFB Movement, Pre-Wrath Rapture, Sodomites and Salvation, Works Salvation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 52 Comments
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richard l sousa
richard l sousa
6 years ago

1. Matthew 24:30 2. Malachi 3:6 3. romans 10:9-17 4. God, a perfect being repenting Jeremiah 18:8, 10 Jonah 3:10 Exodus 32:14 Genesis 6:6 Psalm 135:14 Jeremiah 26:3, 13, 19 Joel 2:14 Amos 7:3-6 I’m sure just reading the bible you could find more. 5. Romans 1 and Leviticus 20:13 6. no one is denying the holocaust just saying the worlds view is a lie as Steven Anderson explains in your link. Matthew 27:25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children. (denial if the only name that can save you) Acts… Read more »

richard l sousa
richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Well if you were saved you would be able to understand scripture and would have known those are KJV bible scriptures from Gods perfect preserved word and God is never wrong.
Funny you mentioned the false religion of Mormonism. Even they used more scripture than you did in this article to prove your point.
Maybe you should listen to God and compare spiritual things with spiritual.
1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

richard l sousa
richard l sousa
6 years ago

see the problem with what you just said is you contradict what you already said about salvation repentance. salvation repentance is works and anyone who believes on works salvation is not saved. so I am still right your not saved. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. also, For by grace are ye saved through faith;… Read more »

richard l sousa
richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

I figured you would twist my words just like you did the bible. Is Mohammad a false gospel? try reading my last paragraph again. Believe in the right Gospel or you believe in a false gospel and are still unsaved. Look guy, you say repent of your sins which it never says to do in the bible. The bible uses the word repent for changing your mind just like God did in the book of Jonah. Repenting of your sins is impossible because no one can turn from all sin. If you are just explaining yourself wrong I understand but… Read more »

Richard l sousa
Richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Actually no worshiping and idle does not mean you’re not saved it means you’re disobedient. Solomon, who worshipped many idols went to heaven. He didn’t just worship them he made them and put them on high. You see, all the things that I’ve been saying are backed by scripture which I keep on giving you but yet you have no scripture in any of your comments or in any of your posts. Only false prophets and wolf’s do that. Your Second paragraph makes no sense. My research? You just numbered a bunch of garbage you believe in what research would… Read more »

Richard l sousa
Richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

No what is dishonest is when I give you scripture from the Bible and you refuse to even read it and say that it sounds like Mormonism. What’s the dishonest is calling us all Heretics for preaching the wrong Doctrine without any proof or scripture. You’re the one beating around the bush you’re the one without nothing to prove your side. Quit being an idiot you don’t want to talk about tribulation because you know you’re wrong you don’t want to answer the Original Scriptures that I posted because you know they’re right and you’re wrong. You want to keep… Read more »

Richard l sousa
Richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

First off I don’t believe you at all that you’ve read any of the scripture. If you have you deny what God says cuz I didn’t twist anything I just gave you a scripture to read and it says what it says. Tribulations only one of the many false doctrines you guys believe in. So don’t pretend that that some sort of decoy. You believe in a lot of phony garbage. You say I can’t biblically defend which I’ve given you scripture after scripture so therefore I have been biblically defending. You on the other hand still have yet to… Read more »

Richard l sousa
Richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

This statement just shows how far off you are from reality. But I am glad you posted it. It shows you don’t care about truth, only to try to make an argument. But it isn’t an effective one. no it just shows that I don’t believe you. I believe Jesus. What? You don’t believe in the Tribulation period? Another twisting of what I said especially after I gave you Matthew 24 twice. I don’t belong to any “movement.” I follow the Bible. Really, because I’m pretty sure that you claimed old ifb or else this and all the other post… Read more »

Richard l sousa
Richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Tribulations only one of the many false doctrines you guys  So your pointing out that I didn’t type in the word pre at the beginning of the sentence. Ok, so what complain about a typo. Still, not a lie. This is also a typo that you did but I didn’t get petty about it like your doing.  I did so, and Gid promises that those who do so will never spiritually die. There is no such thing as “Old IFB.” That is a term made up by the New IFB movement. The true churches that Christ founded are not a… Read more »

richard l sousa
richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

you are the biggest lier lol Im done with you and your claims. everything you have said is backwards and I don’t have to dispute it at all because any saved Christian can see it. so long wolf. God has been growing our church pretty fast so you better think of a different way to teach your false doctrine before they all run to our churches. ta ta

Richard l sousa
Richard l sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Steve Anderson isn’t my idol but he is a good man unlike you trying to be a wolf but anybody who reads these posts will know that you are. Please do keep these up I want everybody to see them in fact you can post these anywhere you want. Just because you called me a liar doesn’t mean I am and if you read these posts you’ll see that you are the liar and that I’ve been telling the truth the entire time if you read the Bible you’ll get the same thing you’re a wolf and a loser

Richard Lee Sousa
Richard Lee Sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Well I guess the Bible’s lying when Solomon was clearly saved and went in and worship idols and put them on the highest mountain. Look you can twist it however you want Solomon, neberkenezer, Saul, and many other kings and Nations got saved and then worship idols which is not trusting in Jesus alone. At one time all of them believed in Jesus alone. But they all fell short of the glory of God just like everybody. If the Bible says it, it’s true and the Bible says all the above so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Richard Lee Sousa
Richard Lee Sousa
6 years ago

By the way you just commented that you believe everything that they said in that video. So you believe exactly like Steve Anderson and all the rest of those people that you posted up above. So now you’re confirming that their brothers in Christ. Yet you are unforgiving and causing strife among your Brothers by putting posts like this up. I guess you can’t be forgiven since you haven’t forgiven them.

Richard Lee Sousa
Richard Lee Sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Wrong again that’s not my logic I said you agreed with them on salvation. If you agree with them on salvation then you believe that they are saved as well. Which makes them your brother.
Again just like a wolf you trying to twist what I say just like you do with the Bible.

Richard Lee Sousa
Richard Lee Sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

Joshua, first off I don’t believe everything that Steven Anderson believes a majority of it I do but I read the Bible daily in season out of season here a little there a little. I also have my own pastor I don’t need Steve Anderson to guide me because I have my own Pastor to guide me so you showing videos of Steve Anderson and other people like Matthew Stuckey doesn’t do anything. Second Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that… Read more »

Richard Lee Sousa
Richard Lee Sousa
6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

And I have marked and avoided you for your faults teachings you heretic. Now if you dont mind you are cutting into my bible reading.